Wednesday, October 31, 2007

XP vs Vista again


It's one of those XP vs Vista thing again. After months Vista penetrated the market, many users and companies especially are reverting back to Windows XP [1]. Now that Vista has become more of an annoying flashy zombie OS, another issue with Mac OS X arises. Seems like the new Leopard are troublesome enough for some users, and are reverting back to the Tiger [2]. Personally I have no comment on the Leopard thing because I'm not using Mac OS and I'm kinda satisfied using Windowz Hisham Ultimate :). I used to have both XP and Vista before running on different partitions to compare their performance. Basically I just used Vista from time to time to show off especially during presentation and such, but for work and play it's good old XP. Reason?

SPEED: Vista has no mercy on my 512MB DDR2 RAM
ice, I can use the aero effect, but that's it, nothing fancy
UPDATES: The Windows Update is nice, but giving me useless updates? Crap.
SECURITY: I don't like being doubted and asked ALL the times about my actions. So whenever the darn pop-up asking "You sure you want to open this application bla bla..." I got so fed up I just had to reformat and not install Vista again.

But all in all, it's still up to some people who still find Vista enjoyable to give the OS a chance. I'm not one of those people. For the moment, I'm just going to modify and stay with my pimped-out personal hybrid OS until something good hits the market.

This is just Ultimate, I'm going to mod it into Godlike XD