Sunday, June 8, 2008

Stolen Besi and Sushi

With life ain't getting any easier in Boleh Land, the common folks here uses their heads our of desperation to find a way to feed themselves and/or their families. With their given creativity, many of them find the metal covers, metal grates, GATES (yeah the big steel main gate in front of most houses today) and water meters to be an invaluable source of income.

We do mind you guys stealing parts of government and private properties. I mean like the sewage hole here, at night a wee lil' toddler can just drop in and die from all the raw sex-crazed uber-roach-infested rotting sewage contamination (just like the dude who had a self-accident in town years ago and fell into the thick black drain, he died not because of the accident injuries but because of immediate bacterial infection, yuck what a way to die).

On a less disgusting note, found a new sushi shop on 5th floor of Sanyan. All orangy, but too bad i didn't have the time to try it out. I forgot the name (not catchy), but you can't miss it because it's the only orange sushi shop there. I'll either just wait for my semester break on July or wait for someone to send in their review on the new joint.

1 comment:

アンジェリーン said...

gross way to die....
those selfish people... jst didn't think how much trouble they caused to others by stealing those metal cover etc...