Friday, August 12, 2011

No Time!

That's my frequently used quote nowadays. I'm sure some of my friends and families are familiar with it. But really, I seriously have limited time per day with even lesser time for myself. For the past 3 months.

All the demands from raising 4 kids (metaphor for business and other commitments of course) is detrimental, I'm starting to feel like the Burning Godzilla from the movie Godzilla vs Destroyah.

I'm gonna explode!

Apart from feeling the inevitable meltdown last felt since the great Assignment Rush, I'm feeling a bit apathetic. Far out what am I talking about it's not like anybody gonna continue reading this post anyways unless I throw in some relationship, the girl I'm chasing, gossip, money, etc. Aih must be another after-effects of this "No time!" disease. You know what? I think my aunt is right, no man's an island. I need a woman in my life. I need a life! Haha I'm talking crap again, must be from fatigue. The tomorrow me is so gonna look at this and give a facepalm. Anyways enjoy the final moments of a dying Godzilla versus Destroyah (metaphor of what I'm going through).

It's truly sad to see your childhood hero dies in front of you. Song by Rise Against "Paper Wings"

1 comment:

Jean Dark Maknae said...

this song with this fightis really incredible I will never get tired watch this video.