Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Stressful Valentine's Birthday

The past weeks have been so stressful for me. And to keep up with my now 6 kids I think I fooled my body into thinking it's fighting a bear for a week. The stress hormones released are detrimental, but on the bright side I burned calories fast enough to lose some grams. Work AND get in shape, jyeah!

Maybe I should avoid calling my SBUs and projects "kids" as what some had advised, I get forever alone because of it. Owh well at least they all have grown up.

Latest project. It's so epic the picture got out of the blog's frame limit.

On the side note it's Valentine's Day and that means it's Kampua4Life's 5th birthday. So happy birthday dear bloggie, although I hadn't post new things often like in the old days.

And also another side note I wasn't forever alone this V-Day, I think I was just too rusty and haven't been in the game for a long time. I'm glad you liked red roses :)

Those dogs can smell my fear and anxiety despite the poker face. Happy V-Day!

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