The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
by Bethesda Game Studios
For PC, PS3 and X-Box 360
Perfect. A masterpiece. I used to avoid role-playing games as they are repetitive and time consuming, then I went to Skyrim and took an arrow to the knee. Behold, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim or TESV Skyrim. Before we continue to delve deeper, check out the official trailer (ignoring the ads) to get an idea why this is
one of the best game of 2011.
And this was my reaction 20 minutes into the game...
This is the fifth installment of the Elder Scrolls series and I have yet to play all the predecessors but TESV Skyrim, my fellow brethren, is perfect. The game puts you in the northern parts of Tamriel (previous games occurred in other parts), in the land called Skyrim.
Like its predecessors, Skyrim puts player in a sandbox world where he/she can create his/her own character and be anything and do anything. The last game I played from Bethesda was
Fallout New Vegas and in comparison, Skyrim had blown my mind by its storyline, quests, depth, details, music, physics and the sheer size of Skyrim that one can explore.
I won't spoil much of the story because this game is deserved to be played by oneself to truly experience Skyrim. Basically you are Dragonborn, some kind of a special being that has the power to stop the dragons who had returned to end the world. Along the way you can pick up many side quests that gave deeper experience and most of the time demands your decision that will ultimately affect the world. Yes, you will be faced with many choices in the game and it's up to you to approach it. Met a farmer who is darn pissed at the jester who is never satisfied by the farmer's aid? Will you help blackmail the jester to let the farmer return to whatever farming things need doing, or will you help the jester and fix his cart so he can bury his mother. What? Hahaha...
As mentioned earlier you can be anything and do anything. You fancy some alchemy? Then go out into the wilderness and harvest some herbs and insect and concoct potions at the alchemy table. You like exploring caves? Go ahead but I don't think the bears and vampires would like your intrusion. Wanna be a vampire? Sure go ahead get bitten by one and you'll turn into a REAL non-Edward Cullen vampire in 4 in-game days. Don't want to do the main quest and finish the game too soon? Easy... buy houses, get married, slay some dragons, join the Thieves Guild, be a Dark Brotherhood assassin, become a successful trader, hunt mammoths, swim in the icy cold northern waters, cook fish, manhandle a bear, steal things from one town and sell them in another, make cool apparels out of the wolves you just killed, learn magic from the College of Wizardry, go to Bards College and learn how to play music, talk to strangers and help them get their stuff they left in caves, fight a clan of Werewolves, get bitten by a Werewolf and turn into one, burn the whole village down just for kicks, run away from the law, make a pilgrim up the 7,000 steps to reach the top of the mountain, troll a troll, troll a snow troll, annoy a giant, etc. etc. etc...
All those I mentioned above are not fake, but actual things you can do in Skyrim. Alright I hope you're hyped up to get a copy of Skyrim and be an adventurer! And take an arrow to the knee! (Skyrim joke). Go forth Dragonborn, FUS RO DAH!
Enjoy the screenshots.
Me exploring Skyrim with some buddies.
Talking to villagers who are somewhat not impressed with a dragon which had been killed heroically...
Standing near folks in taverns and just listening to the villagers talking might drag you into quests unwillingly...
You can make leather from animal hides you hunted.
You can be a blacksmith and make flimsy to awesome weapons and armor.
Travel around the beautiful towns, holds, villages and castles in Skyrim.
Have a hot cappuccino after a long day completing quests.
Being a busybody seriously drags you into new situations.
Fancy some red meat for dinner tonite?
Chilling under a tree, showing off Skyrim's more warmer region.
See two Sabretooth tigers attacking a Mammoth. Or are they licking its toes?
"I need a bigger arrow"
No creature is too big. Mammoth snout tonight!
Slaying a dragon is a 24/7 job. No matter rain or shine, night or day.
I accidentally shot my Housejarl or companion during an ambush. And she is permanently dead... Sorry Lydia! It was dark!
I used to get bored by the overused arrow to the knee joke, then I took an arrow to the shoulder.
Roast or soup?
A dragon teaching me the third Newton's Law.
You can also be a miner...
You can climb the highest peak in Skyrim. I'm the small dot near the curved rock on the upper left.
Still no conveniently placed clump of hay.
You can chop wood to earn a living. Each firewood sells for 4 gold, I think. I quit being a lumberjack 1 moon ago.
You can do alchemy, but not until Full Metal Alchemy level. Just some mixing at the table.
You can be an assassin, like Altair or Ezio.
"Checkout my fancy bloody dagger!"
I'm on the boat. Well on the mast.
Nord fishing village? Seems legit.
Visiting a museum and getting a personal tour from the curator.
I just arrived in this new small hamlet to resupply and this dragon appeared. PERFECT TIMING!
You guys should build a museum.
Oh... fudge.
Watching a Giant about to club the dragon to death, and save my time and potions from doing all the killing.
Sneak Level 100. Creeping onto a dragon while it's sleeping.
Riding a dragon, like a boss.
Playing a gold coin game I don't understand with some bandits.
You can even swim in the sky.