Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Students Bid Farewell to Stress, Assignments

TEHRAN: It was the time of the semester again, hence the reason why there were no updates for the past few weeks. Owh well, I managed to survive and continue to blog another day.

Despite only having 2 days of class this semester with 4 units, I never felt so WTFBBQed by the amount of final year workload. Before I knew it it's already Week 12, the last study week. Whatever happened to the past 11 weeks remains a mystery.

Just completed my take home exam, which means I have finals for another 3 units. And next week is revision week followed by finals the week after. Time to destress for a bit, then hit the books when my body system and chemistry switched to final mode. Wishing all a happy finals, and may the Force be with you.


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