Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Very Normal Activity: Strange Things at the Sea

Fishermen's tales about the sea that they don't usually blog about

I've accumulated enough stories from uncles who go out to sea to fish as work or hobbies in the west coast of Sarawak. They have all these weird encounters at sea that they don't really talk about, maybe because they are more excited to show off and take shots with their big catch. As strange as they may sound these paranormal activities have their respective explanation. Below are the things they shared about what they encounter at the sea... at night:

1. Flying orbs
Brief Description: Flying lights
Horror: 1 (they're just lights)
Encounter: Occasional
Explanation: Aliens! Or simply Malaysian weather balloon...
Reaction: Just ignore

They hover in the horizon or just the distance from the fishermen. To confirm they are not seeing stars from a rocking boat, these orbs fly in formation harmlessly from point A to point B where they usually just vanish. Sounds like the very orbs the members of TAPS keep talking and documenting about. A variation of the encounter includes that those orbs if close enough are actually eyes (for orbs that come in pairs) that fly around the fishermen. Watching them until they got bored.

2. Giant Legs
Brief Description: A pair of gigantass legs
Horror: 5 (i don't wanna get stepped on bro!)
Encounter: Rare
Explanation: Sea illusion. Malaysian weather balloon
Reaction: Go back to sleep

So you wake up and decided to go out of the cabin to pee into the sea. Then you see your boat under between 2 gigantic legs. Each footing into the sea to your left and right. You can't see the rest of the body because of its massive height above you. You took a leak and went back to sleep. Though I did forget to ask what gender the leg was...

3. Flying Heads
Brief Description: Flying Heads
Horror: 10 (mother truckers they're flying heads!)
Encounter: Occasional
Explanation: Malaysian weather balloon
Reaction: Run! Abandon hooks! Drive the boat away!

Flying heads at the sea in the middle of the night? Enough said. Could be mistaken for flying orbs at first but when they start flying closer towards the boat, the sight of an incoming flying head would scare the sheet out of anyone. Unlike the game DOOM those fishermen were not armed with futuristic laser rifles to blast those flying heads back to Hell, so they pulled anchor and fled.

4. The Bull-Snorting Swimming Baby

Brief Description: A baby snorting like a bull, swimming towards you
Horror: 10 (refer Brief Description)
Encounter: Rare
Explanation: Malaysian weather balloon
Reaction: Abandon hooks! Steer the boat into neighboring waters

This is really random. You're sitting there at night with your mates fishing. Then you heard a splash nearby. You thought something fell into the water. When you guys check at the direction of the splash, you see a baby swimming towards you. The baby's snorting angrily like a bull. Run.

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