Friday, October 8, 2010

River Disaster Strikes Sibu (Not Really)

Timber Companies! Global Warming! Aliens!

It's not as freaky as it looks like from here in Sibu. Looks like normal scenery shot. But there were still some driftwood and junk floating by the river, attracting locals who have never seen such strange phenomenon. However this is just moderate as to what's happened to Kapit yesterday. Click on pictures to read the details:

Could be the timber companies. Could be the government who as of now is not doing anything to calm the people down. Could be the Bakun dam that they will flood in a few more days.

The Iban dude said it's a bad omen. The Chinese dude said it's the end of the world. The other dude I met at the ferry point said Kapit got a lot of fish harvest (half-dead fishes), sounds just like what happened prior to the 2004 tsunami. Whatever this leads to I suggest some of you in the low lying areas to pack up just in case the 1960s mega flood repeats itself. And here's a video on Kapit in Facebook (click)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Steam Updating Problem Fix

Steam.exe main exception
To run Steam, you must first connect to the Internet

If you have:
1. Encountered the message above when updating Steam
2. Already connected to the Internet
3. Already turned off firewall
4. Windows 7 user
5. and Googled your way here

Then congratulations you're one step closer to solving it. Here we go mate:

Step 1
Click on Windows go to Control Panel then in the Search Control Panel box type firewall. Click on Allow a program through Windows Firewall as shown below:

Step 2
Scroll down until you see Steam. Make sure you ☑ it for both Home/Work (Private) and Public. It should look like below:

Step 3
Restart Steam, and try updating again. This time it should work as shown below. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Very Normal Activity: Strange Things at the Sea

Fishermen's tales about the sea that they don't usually blog about

I've accumulated enough stories from uncles who go out to sea to fish as work or hobbies in the west coast of Sarawak. They have all these weird encounters at sea that they don't really talk about, maybe because they are more excited to show off and take shots with their big catch. As strange as they may sound these paranormal activities have their respective explanation. Below are the things they shared about what they encounter at the sea... at night:

1. Flying orbs
Brief Description: Flying lights
Horror: 1 (they're just lights)
Encounter: Occasional
Explanation: Aliens! Or simply Malaysian weather balloon...
Reaction: Just ignore

They hover in the horizon or just the distance from the fishermen. To confirm they are not seeing stars from a rocking boat, these orbs fly in formation harmlessly from point A to point B where they usually just vanish. Sounds like the very orbs the members of TAPS keep talking and documenting about. A variation of the encounter includes that those orbs if close enough are actually eyes (for orbs that come in pairs) that fly around the fishermen. Watching them until they got bored.

2. Giant Legs
Brief Description: A pair of gigantass legs
Horror: 5 (i don't wanna get stepped on bro!)
Encounter: Rare
Explanation: Sea illusion. Malaysian weather balloon
Reaction: Go back to sleep

So you wake up and decided to go out of the cabin to pee into the sea. Then you see your boat under between 2 gigantic legs. Each footing into the sea to your left and right. You can't see the rest of the body because of its massive height above you. You took a leak and went back to sleep. Though I did forget to ask what gender the leg was...

3. Flying Heads
Brief Description: Flying Heads
Horror: 10 (mother truckers they're flying heads!)
Encounter: Occasional
Explanation: Malaysian weather balloon
Reaction: Run! Abandon hooks! Drive the boat away!

Flying heads at the sea in the middle of the night? Enough said. Could be mistaken for flying orbs at first but when they start flying closer towards the boat, the sight of an incoming flying head would scare the sheet out of anyone. Unlike the game DOOM those fishermen were not armed with futuristic laser rifles to blast those flying heads back to Hell, so they pulled anchor and fled.

4. The Bull-Snorting Swimming Baby

Brief Description: A baby snorting like a bull, swimming towards you
Horror: 10 (refer Brief Description)
Encounter: Rare
Explanation: Malaysian weather balloon
Reaction: Abandon hooks! Steer the boat into neighboring waters

This is really random. You're sitting there at night with your mates fishing. Then you heard a splash nearby. You thought something fell into the water. When you guys check at the direction of the splash, you see a baby swimming towards you. The baby's snorting angrily like a bull. Run.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Breaking the Boyfriend's Code

In case of a break-up, break glass heart

After seeing another 3 friends getting burned last month alone, I've decided to speak up a little bit. I got burned myself for the 6th time many moons ago so I believe I have the credibility to expose some of the dude's code in a relationship. Below is the boyfriend's side of story in case of a break up.

#1. It's okay I'm alright
When couples break up, many assume the girl would take the most emotional damage and the boy would be okay as he is a tough man. FALSE.

The Bad News: For the dudes who were serious about the relationship and had worked hard for their future, a break up from the girlfriend's side is devastating. Many girls would simply cut their hair or post emotional songs or posts online. For dudes, emotionally they'll be scarred but they just won't cry about it. All the emotion manifest itself into drastic physical changes. Hairstyle change, purchase of random items, body mass fluctuation, change of habits. Or worse turning homo. The most obvious thing for one to spot is the absence of smile. No dude smiles after such emotional holocaust, and they'll only smile when near other close mates or if being forced to. A shadow of doubt have been cast onto him when he's near his ex or other non-friend females.

The Good News: This phase only last a few days to a few months with or without support. (depending on your playboyility) Gradually he will move on from checking out other girls, to stalking Facebook profiles, to going out to clubs etc. until he eventually meet a new one.


#2. FML
An elaboration for #1, whereby the dude goes through the after break-up phase. This is the critical phase where the dude is the most vulnerable and susceptible to anything. Usually applies in situations where the girl initiates the break-up, detrimental relationship from both parties, or a mistake from the dude that leads to the break up.

The Bad News: Although short-lived, this phase of after break-ups is the worst for any dudes in his life. He tends to phuck up everything he was doing and thinks he's a failure, loser, an ass, don't give a damn, you name it. It is an indescribable feeling that only those who had experienced it will understand. The best I can describe is the man had his very existence broken down to his foundation of what he had worked and believed all these years. Full support from family and friends are required as the dude may attempt to do stupid things. During this phase too friends should advise the dude to stay off any girls as they will only be his rebound girl.

The Good News: Just like #1 this phase is short lived.


#3. That's not my ex, that's my mistake
In worse case scenario when it is the female's side who triggered the break up, the sentence "let's just be friends" is meaningless to the boyfriend.

The Bad News: Any decent dudes with pride and face would never accept such insult to injury. The feeling of being toyed, used or fooled into false hope will turn trigger his soul to see the thing he loved into something he despised the most. Then the term "friends" will further give false hope to the dude to get back to her. Many will go into shock and try to get the relationship going. After a while the dude will realize he deserves a better life than begging forever. His brain would simply shut out any memories that will sadden the heart to allow the dude to move on with life. In certain cases the ex-girlfriend is non-existent.

The Good News: Time will heal. After months or years of needed desolation from the ex, the dude's brains usually almost deleted all the memories by then, allowing him to say "I was an ass, let's be friends again". By then both parties should have a new partner and all's good.


#4 Rebound Girl
The new void created from the absence of a loved one needs to be filled, fast, no matter what the cost.
The Bad News: Shortly after a break up a dude needs all the console he can get. Sometimes his female friends will give the best consoles as the dudes just suck at comforting another dude. This is when the dude will slowly grow attached to the girl and his heart says he needs her. She has become his rebound girl. This is dangerous as there is a high chance that the rebound girl will find out she was just substituting his ex-girlfriend's spot, which is creepy. The ensuing breakup will only devastate the dude more and he'll simply lose the will to live. GG.

The Good News: Many relationships involving rebound boy/girlfriends do work. Although the max I've seen was only 5 years. But I do believe somewhere out there a rebound relationship did work till marriage though you are betting on maybe, 10% success.


#5 Burn Baby Burn
I'll never fall in love again...

The Bad News: Some dudes may have gotten their first burn, others their 10th, 50th, 100th burn. Anyways, after a certain n number of burns the dude will simply say enough is enough. He'll never seek love anymore and indulge himself with whatever he has left. Like what Taio said "I wanna celebrate and live my life"... so you can kiss your love life goodbye. Friends and families, support his celibacy to encourage him to live on and be successful in life.

The Good News: Whenever a dude says it, somehow he'll end up with a new partner eventually. It's like a touch wood thing, except those sentences attract good things.


#6 If I Can't Have You No One Can!
This is the scariest, most evil intent a boyfriend's heart can create.

The Bad News: After the break up, if the boyfriend is not begging or done doing so he will resort to the next stage; revenge. This is when he will come up with many things to destroy his ex-girlfriend's life literally, metaphorically or both. Spreading bad rumors about the ex, blocking her access to you or your friends, etc are the few things a man is capable of doing. He will continue to do so until he sees her destruction with his own eyes.

The Good News: Usually happens to those new to relationships. The veterans will be matured enough to not do such things. Plus after seeing how he had destroyed his ex-girlfriend's life, he will have this guilty feeling and feel sorry for her.

Anywho give the dude some time to mourn, recover and then get back on his feet after a break up. Bros over hos code should be observed by close brothers of the dude to encourage him to get back into the game. Or not. People get burned sometimes and it is these burns that will shape and show you the exact partner that suits you.
And hey, it's not so bad being single. Welcome back to the sea my friend. Once you sober up I hope you'll be swimming in it again. Cheer cheers~

Fly the Malaysian Air

Foreigners' Guide to the Malaysian Air Travel Culture
First time travelling into Malaysia? Or a Malaysian that's going to use the airplane for the first time? Then let me share with you an air travel culture that's uniquely Malaysia :)

Only in Malaysia (most parts) will you see passengers getting out of their seats, opening and claiming their luggage from the overhead compartment, or ready to jump off the plane when the captain announces the aircraft's arrival (not fully landed). It is a 'herd-effect' whereby when more than 50% of the passengers stand up to claim their luggage and the remaining 49% will follow suit. However there is a minority of 1% that's willing to avoid the long queue of waiting for the aircraft door to open by sitting at their seats for the whole process.

When this happens you could either choose to join the 99% passengers in the queue or the 1% sitting minority. Both are enjoyable traveling experiences. If you are curious on what this culture is called, it is known as kiasuism (key-ah-sue-ism) with practitioners called as kiasu (key-ah-sue). It is advisable for you to point out at the 99% and say "hey, you are kiasu!"

Then when you reach the terminal prior to luggage claim, toilets are readily available after a few minutes of walking along the terminal inclusive of stairs and/or escalators. Bring extra tissues as the toilet rolls at the toilets are on high demand everyday so supplies are limited. And when you are doing your business enjoy the advertisement posted at the doors which may provide useful contacts during your stay.
Let me translate for you "No. 1 liar in Sarikei and Sibu * Mr Lau"