Friday, January 13, 2012

Strange Rumbling Sounds in Samarahan, Sarawak

Finally some real X-Files material happening in Sarawak. Okay the full article is here but here's the summary of what happened.

During the wee hours of January 11 and 12 several people in Kota Samarahan heard strange ominous sounds apparently coming from the sky. The sound of unexplained nature, lasted from around 2-5am. Some managed to record it (although choppy due to phone quality) and the effort to find the source did not yield any answers. If you're not sure what to listen for, it sounds like someone snoring.

There are 2 theories. The first was the palm oil factory about 8 kilometers away was still operating yet a quick rush there showed the facility was closed and the sound persisted. The second is the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program or HAARP. The HAARP is a project by US and some other parties to develop ionosphere (the outer atmosphere) based technology. To conspiracy theorists HAARP allows manipulation of weather and earthquakes we see happening today. Either way the HAARP caused the sounds they heard in Samarahan.

Too bad the news came to me a bit late and the strange phenomenon stopped after 12 January 2012. Later that day there was a 7.3 Richter scale earthquake in Sumatra. So were the conspiracy theorists right about the HAARP or was it just a coincidence?

Apparently we're not the only ones experiencing this unexplained phenomenon. Strange ominous sounds have been reported all over the world since 2011. No worries these guys have different gadgets so the quality is better. Get your pop corns ready, we're going for a marathon of strange ominous bass-like sounds.

Czech Republic, unkown date

Kiev, August 8, 2011

Chile, January 12, 2012

Canada, 2012

Costa Rica, 2012

Hungary, January  11, 2012 (The loudest one)

Aliens? Government conspiracy? The incoming Planet X? Earth's tectonic plates movement? The angel blowing the trumpet to signal the end of the world as mentioned in the Holy Books? Or just a well orchestrated gimmick for the movie Cloverfield 2?

I think we'll find out soon enough... until then maybe one of us might be lucky enough to Shazam the sound.

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