Friday, September 24, 2010


I'm a grad mother truckers!

After my short trip to Miri I set off to my next point of pilgrimage: Perth. This one was for my graduation. Looking back from my noob years as a fresh blood foundation kid to the day I finally got up that graduation stage, I've seriously come a long way.
What's next? As few more comrades fight on to fight the war, I'll be stepping out of it gracefully to wage another war that will ultimately decide the fate of the Motherland. I'll be waiting for you guys at the other side and will continue to believe that we can still revolutionize the country by hook or by crook.
I'd like to personally send my infinite thanks to Boss and Big Boss who were there for financial and moral support. My fellow comrades who were there with me during our fights on or off screen. My fellow kamchengz from 5008, 3666, Senadin, Vickery and the Lawson Street gangs who shared the same sheet different day with me. My S.O.B. familias especially the school of Management and Marketing. And finally Creator for providing spiritual solace and all the people I've mentioned earlier. *bows down* "domo arigato".

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