Sunday, September 12, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya

End of Ramadhan already? What it's year 1431H already?

Man time flies faster and faster as you get older and older. I anticipated it, and yes it felt like yesterday when I said "Day 1" on Facebook. Oh well.

Salam Eid Mubarak to all. Maaf zahir batin. I know I may have offended you in anyway, being an ass in front of you somehow or simply forgot to reply your SMS and Facebook comments. So forgive this dude for all the mistakes, and slap him in the face the next time he does a mistake.

P/S: Sibu line pathetically slow again somehow after the quake in NZ (hmmm), thus it turned me off from giving updates. I forgive you zahir-ly TMNet.

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