Sunday, May 4, 2008

Women Travel Restriction, What?

Snapshot taken from Reuters (Read full article).

Well that sucks. Under what solid basis did the government use to even consider to propose this restriction. What did I miss anyways?

So they don't want females to go overseas solo. I understand the government's concern for traveling women's safety (you know la, got syndicates of prostitution and drug smuggling rings who target solo women), but this is a bit too much. Plus I see some loopholes in the idea.

Firstly, consent from guardians and other relevant authorities is required. What will happen to a woman who is a widow, have no parents, no employer/self employed? And what about orphaned under aged student who wants to go oversea for study/medical purposes? Very mafan, since students especially, are already mafaned by visa, health check et. al. which can be costly and time consuming (you know la how the system works, send the approval today next month settle, or they might forget and you'll have to wait another month)...

Secondly, will the restriction apply to Malaysian Muslim women or all Malaysian women? If it's the former, there won't be much resistance from conservative Muslims, but it would be a different story for modern moderate Muslims. If it's the latter, then it will just mafan everyone and decrease the people's happiness even more.

Thirdly, we're living in a weird world where things change, a lot and fast. I was told Islam is a flexible system, allowing a Muslim to adapt to current situations, doing anything in any situation anytime while following the basic rules. Today men aren't the only breadwinner, women are taking over that role too since life isn't getting any easier here or anywhere else. Having more breadwinners in the house will give a family more chance of survival in a world where prices of food and commodities rises after every election, if not every month. Restricting the movement of women and expecting them to stay behind is, as the spokeswoman said, ridiculous. We do not want to follow the current Talibans' method of ruling their country.

Fortunately it is just a proposed idea. Everyone can sleep easier a bit and worry about bigger things tonight.


アンジェリーン said...

What sort of idiot come out with that idea!! saying things that will sparkle the anger of women. discrimination ah!! "requiring women to obtain the written consent of their families or employers before being allowed to travel alone outside the country" sound more to we have to 'jail' the women, prevent them to run away from our fang Oz...@_@

Ham said...

u know how the system here works... =___=