Saturday, June 12, 2010

Infectonator: World Domination Review

A dose of senseless pixelated violence of a zombie apocalypse is recommended during finals... TANK!!! PARAH! PARAH!

Remember how all zombie games usually let you kill hordes of zombies? Well, this one lets you turn people into zombies. INFECTONATOR: WORLD DOMINATION is a sequel to INFECTONATOR, and yes I was grinning and LOLing all the way watching panicking pixelated people running away from my pixelated zombies who were wreaking havoc from pixelated Jamaica to Melbourne. Maintaining its 8-bit graphics and music style, WORLD DOMINATION also retained its basic point-and-click-and-enjoy-the-ensuing-chaos gameplay but now you will have to plan well due to its new features.

The first noticeable new feature is the ability to play around world (or dominate it, as the title suggests). Starting from Africa, you will have to infect and destroy towns and cities using zombies. You'll earn cash that can be used to upgrade your zombie horde by doing so, and new regions will be unlocked as you progress.
Each region demonstrates its demographical uniqueness in-game. For example while 'infecting' Indo-China you can expect to see stereotyped Asian pedestrians. The pedestrians also express mundane or hilarious monologues e.g. pre-attack Singaporeans uttering "Gotta get dollars" (LOL), or Malaysians shouting "Oh Tuhan! Zombies" or Iraqis screaming "Mashallah, infidels!" during an attack.
Also, several regions hold a special pedestrian that must be infected in order to unlock SPECIAL infected that adds up to the humor e.g. when you infect Colonel Sanders you'll be able to spawn Col. Sandars zombie who spawns zombie chickens. Each special infected has their own unique attack as well as homage/spoof e.g. Tank pays homage to Left 4 Dead, MJ zombie does the Thriller dance accompanied by 8-bit Thriller music to stun everyone on the map. These special infected can also be upgraded.
With all these combined you have a classic but gory 'stress-reliever'. For example the town of Aceh in Indonesia region map below. Yes, that guy in white t-shirt can "Cuci mata dulu ah" for now because moments later...
...hordes of zombies terrorises the place, with a Ranald McD zombie defecating(?) infected hamburgers, MJ zombie moonwalking the army to death, and other chaos that cause the locals to scream "Apa-apaan ini?" and "Parah! Parah!". I must be sick, but the gore and hilarity portrayed made me ROFLMFAO and forget about worldly worries.
After each attack, apart from the money, you will also get a news report to show what you've done. Lookie the damaged I've done to Perth:
You complete the game when you've destroyed all the towns and cities in the world including the North Pole (wtf?). For me I did it in 188 days, kinda slow since I jumped between regions and continued LOLing at favourite hotspots.
Infectonator: World Domination is a great successor to the first title with these new features. The ability to turn people in zombies has made me happy. Hence I'm going to give it:

with a complimentary

Click the link below to play:
Infectonator: World Domination

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