Monday, September 8, 2008

Ramadan 2008/1429

This is my power drink that I need to survive the month. Carefully brewed and formulated from previous Ramadans, this mish-mash of cereals, oat meals, Milo etc. allows me to feel no hunger from 4.50am to 4.00pm. Then the sounds come. Until the next few days the stomach will learn to behave, and then I need to discipline the other parts of me, namely my mind.

This is the third Ramadan and the third fasting month I had in Oil Town. Previous experience have helped me prep all the what not that I need to survive, especially since this Ramadan fell on midterm season. Using this month to prevent the belly to overflow, and of course reduce the profanities and extreme jokes (expect a lot of lame jokes from me this month). Happy fasting to all!

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