Friday, October 3, 2008

Melamine Scare; Got Milk?

With the word melamine entering the vocabulary of common folks here, I wonder why is it becoming such a big deal.

One of the big tainted product was baby milk powder. Okay so we have tainted milk here and there, causing a widespread panic to parents with child who still depends on milk since there's been 100,000 babies getting sick from melamine-added milk. So I was wondering why don't they opt for a free-er alternative; breastfeeding.

No seriously, even after the scare was rampant, some mothers still resort to milk from goats, cow and whatever milk-secreting animals they can find [read here]. If they say they're busy with work-life, can't they can't spend 5 minutes sitting down and breastfeed their child. If they say breastfeeding causes body problems like sagging and what not; does that mean they love themselves more than their child? C'mon, I've seen more pruning in Sunsweet Stoned Prunes and I don't think anyone can be at that level (unless you soak yourself up in hot water for 6 hours). Lady, there's a reason why women were created with breasts and they are not there as accessories.

And for the dudes, you guys can do your part as well. Did you know men can breastfeed and lactate as well? No? Well check out this Sri Lankan dude who's been breastfeeding his two daughters [read facts]. Or you guys can Google for a number of other dudes who are now proud breastfeeding dads who's helping out to ease moms' duty. In my view this may be contradicting with some dude's macho-ness policy, but do remember the macho-ness won't go any further after you got your first kid, unless you got plans of spending those macho-ness on a new girl/wife. Remember, nothing beats the original flavour.

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