Monday, December 8, 2008

Bukit Antarabangsa Landslide

Condolences to the people who loved their loved ones in the tragedy. Read the news here.

It's not the first time such tragedy have happened. One was dated back to the early 1990s, and from there onwards dozens of landslides have occurred to date, bringing down bungalows and condos down the hills along with their residents. Not to point fingers or anything, but after a few landslides and the infamous 1999 big one, shouldn't we learn by then that the hills don't want humans to encroach them? Not to be a pagan or anything, but from Melanau liko and basically other natives' common sense, if the land keeps 'kicking' you out then it's time to move on to other spots. The hills don't want us humans to settle on their settlements. Hands down.

From the follow-up reports, several mini news amused me. Like the wild boars scavenging the rubbles of the tragedy site. Um, why would wild piggies scavenging for food enter the news? It IS a hill with a natural ecosystem in it. And about the food that is found not rotten at the site long after the tragedy, most likely a few residents have a habit of having dinner delivered to their doorsteps, hence the 4A address inscription on the plastic bags. Imagine the delivery boy going to the bungalows and found it in rubbles. What did he do? Drop it at watever is left of 4A because that is his job and he don't wanna go to hell for laundering off someone else's paid food. Those are just theories, minus all the people's habit of linking all the strange news to something mystic.

And then the news about the army taking into custody 3 men who suspiciously wear army fatigues and transferring stuffs into a van. Well, yeah it is a right move since the trio could be thieves taking advantage of the chaos but I was LOL and WTFBBQed when the trio was brought up to the Police Chief, only to be revealed that they ARE Myanmar's army/police/volunteers (forgot which one) coming over to Malaysia to help out. Oh my goodness, don't the authorities here know who are the people coming into the country trying to give help? Is there anyone keeping track on things in the operations? Next thing you know they'll arrest WHO or the Red Cross for being foreigners meddling with the rescue operations. Siot. But oh well mistakes happen.

With all the rain pouring, I hope proper actions are taken before more lives are taken away. I HOPE. Because like what this lady affected by the tragedy said "The government will only take actions when things happen, but when they say 'kerajaan akan mengambil tindakan', that means they won't take any actions". Double siot.

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