Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Mister Potato: Cheapskate Chips

There's no need to master statistics or physics to calculate the amount of chips in this bag of air. All you need is a pulsable thumb and feel the height of the content.

Dammit! RM3.00 for this?

I would have my craving for chips, any kind of scrumptious crunchy chips, from time to time. And from my 20 years of experience, Mister Potato has always been my bane. Sure it tastes nice, but the induction of price and reduction of content made this strange mustachioed farmer (Mexican?) logo-ed potato chips puts it at bottom of the list. This has been going on for quite a few years now, and like the physics concept we learned in primary school 'udara memenuhi ruang', Mister Potato have become more of a bag full of air that ballooned each year, pushing the chips's space and content lower and lower under pressure. I wonder if the same is happening to Mister Potato outside of Malaysia. Oh well, while waiting for them to improve I'll have my hand stuck in the tight Pringles can reaching for the last few chips OR buy those expensive imported ones that comes with >70% content.

P/S: Why isn't Mister Potato in Wikipedia? Hmmm....

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