Thursday, February 26, 2009

Semester 1, 2009 Commences!

Battlefield control online.

Semester 1, 2009 officially commences today and my Second Year 2nd Semester kicked start at 8am on the same day. There's some major upgrade noticeable around campus; Phase 2 and the new Lake Café near Lakeside Apartments that replaced the previous Remang Café.
Let's see the new Phase 2 Building first. Due to the heavy floods and wet weather in the past few months the building did not get it's finishing touches but hey it's operational. Construction is still on going for the next building behind the current building seen in the pic below, and a few touch ups is still being made to the current operational building. For those having classes here, wear double or bring a thick jacket, because it can be super cold. Not put-you-to-sleep cold but the wake-you-up-and-max-your-attention cold. For me anyways.

Phase 2 Building exterior view

Phase 2 Building interior view

Phase 2 Building greenhouse-friendly design

Then there's the Lake Café. I've been here before during training 2 weeks ago but as a patient customer. This time I came as a critic and brought along my hardcore-critic buddy Dr. Suhas to see how good Lake Café is.

The design of the café was hotel-ish, complete with music in the background that gave it a typical hotel café ambient feel. Comes complete with a post-modern counter (no alcohol).

First time I came here we were serve by students who can improve their serving and waitressing skills. This time when the semester began real full time waitresses were in play, and this one here is a trainee. Dr. S observing how skillful the waitress serves his RM0.50 warm water (luckily it was raining heavily so ordering a RM0.50 pandan/vanilla leaf scented warm water didn't make us look like cheapskates).

They have a karaoke stage near the dining tables. No one dared to show their skills so far.

Food wise, they can improve on their presentation. But darn it the food is inarguably good tasting despite their simple made-for-the-students looks. This one here is a Thai style fried rice that is Thai-spicy, but surprisingly did not fail to overpower the other flavours in the fried rice that most restaurants tend to do. Food range; RM5.50 - RM7.00 for typical rice/noodle and chop meal, and RM11.00 - RM13.00++ for the more exclusive food. From the critics; no complain, veli good, we expect improvement over the semesters.

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