Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mafia Wars Threatening Me

Yup. I was playing Playfish's Gangster City when the small ad box caught my attention. Apparently Zynga's Mafia Wars found out I snitched on them and approached me when I was playing in a different crime family application.

Well MW can't blame me for ignoring it because it has the slowest energy regeneration time compared to Gangster City and Mobsters 2. Seriously, I gain 200% of energy in GC and M2 when in MW I only regained 20%. I have the rights to spend more time in the other apps and threats don't work on me Don! You're the one who have made this mafioso upset...

Check 'em out if you're interested. They all have their own appeal. Add me in your family too:
Gangster City
GTA-style art made me enjoy the deep storyline (and the characters actually talks!). No health, just energy and your choice of how to rule the streets; business domination or strength or both. Slow leveling up though.

Mobsters 2: Vendetta
I didn't play the first Mobsters, but this one got a storyline. Although the story progresses slow, it's fun in terms of mini games (e.g. tower-defense). Balanced leveling, grinding and energy regeneration rate.

Mafia Wars
Perhaps the true "grandfather" of Facebook's organized crime application. Like typical game of its genre, you have health, cash, energy and do crimes and business from Cuba to Bangkok. Slow energy regeneration though.

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