Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy Hormones

It's one of those moments again whereby I got a sudden surge of testosterone and endorphin out of the blue. Most likely due to the fact that this is day 7 of me doing almost nothing besides sitting and sleeping. In other words the body is in a 'culture shock' because where it came from it used to do work and loads of other stuff, then over here it's unable to adapt to a slacking life. Or in visual terms, it's like Arnold's transformation here happening overnight. Shocking... lolz (so far still 'THEN', hopefully won't turn into 'NOW' anywhere in the near future...)

Play sit[1], listen to lecture sit[2], eat sit[3], walk[1] a few meters in campus and to DPS to resupply, sleep[1] meniarap, go 'invest' sit[4], wait for bus sit[5], walk[2] some more in house to do laundry and to the washroom, then go home sit[6] watch anime, do assignment sit[7], then LAN party sit[8] from 9pm-4am, then sleep[2] meniarap again. That's 8 sitting, 2 sleeping and 2 walking activities ONLY. Virtually 7 days of almost inactive actions, and the hormones built up slowly until one day I can't take it anymore. I need to spend it on something or else I'll pop like the
Hindenburg X(

The LZ-129 Hindenburg POPPED! So will Ham if he is unable to find any heavy activity soon.

Back in the old days (circa 3-4 years ago...) used to get and release those happy hormones playing soccer and the lot on a balanced and fixed basis. Now kinda impossible to do that though considering there's no one to play soccer with here, but then again it's hard to even try to get into the field dominated by the big guys -__-

But I don't mind the excessive happy hormonic flow in the body system because it does make my mood better and happier, I'm just worried the pain-killing endorphins will null my senses. Heck I already got a 3-inch cut on my arm from who knows where or when, and I didn't feel or notice it until I scratched my itchy BCG. I fear one day I get a 40'C fever and I won't know it because of those happy endorphins running amok and jamming all the pain signals... Haihz never mind, 23 more days to go before summer course ends, and then I can get back and do what I do best wakaka

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