Friday, April 17, 2009

Twilight Review

I had a movie marathon not long ago, which includes Yes Man, a recently leaked movie (I thought it was original until it comes to CG effects, all the cables and unrendered 3D models abound, when I discovered that it was supposed to come out on May 1st), Monsters vs Aliens and Twilight (yea yea I know I'm a slow viewer). I'd say thumbs up for Yes Man, MvsA, the leaked movie which I recommend, but not Twilight. I didn't read the book so I don't know how the story was supposed to go. But anywho I have to complain; what kind of vampire have sweaty glitters under sunlight? In slow mo? (if I'm not mistaken) And uh.. the whole movie could have been improved with more plots if they cut out the 10-20 minutes of vampire crush and the 10-20 minutes vampire stalking and the 10-20 minutes of vampir love... umm hard to say on this one, not sure to recommend watch or not. Now I'm gonna catch up with other movies I've missed during my busy semester. Fast & Furious 4 is next. Hope that one don't suck.

If I was a vampire character in Twilight, I'd look like this... which represents what I see from the movie generally (not Photoshopped)


アンジェリーン said...

okay okay frankly speaking it's not cos the plot i don't like the movie, the plot is somewhat closely followed with the book but it's just when reading the book, i sorta have this perfect image formed edi (based on the description) and seeing it been put in such a lame way make me feel -_- bleh~ all the actor choose for the character are not really good looking, i mean i saw more handsome and pretty on the street lah~ this movie not really for guys maybe haha when i read it i immediately understand why my bro call it bleh book haha, it's very hmm teenage romance style. plus the make up artist for the production really suck! all the vampire look like they just pat flour on their face >__< when i saw Edward i almost scream WTH!

Ham said...

lolz cmon the dude playing edward died as Cedric in Harry Potter, only to be 'revived' as a glittering vampire... dats the worse death so far for 2008-09

but yeah, a waste of a lot of tepung...

アンジェリーン said...

haha i didn't watch HP anymore after that horrible HP3 experience and i lost interest with HP edi after the 4th book, didn't even bother to finish the 6th book not to mention the 7th which i haven't baught. (6th book still with my sis in Nz since 2006) hence i dunno who the hell who play edward role PS i somewhat imagine Edward as much more nice looking by using some lanzai i saw on the street as reference hahaha

アンジェリーン said...

oops typo shud be Leng zai hehe

Ham said...

lol usually i just watch HP becoz there's ntg else dat is 'epic' on Astro whenever I got the chance to watch TV. So i'll just lie down on the couch n watch indifferently...

And no comment abt the not-so-handsome Eddy... movies nowadays are trying out new faces which dont really 'fit' in...