Sunday, May 31, 2009

Requiem Aeternam Dona Eis, Domine

I'm still getting flashbacks and backlashes that brought me down from time to time lately. So is the man who has tasted sour defeat from all the stresses from his insane sixth semester. Reminded me of my old favorite quote "I only have two hands". All those setbacks are methods to remind me that I'm still a mortal human being, not some fearless brute called Ghost of Sparta (come to think of it, some of the events this semester resembled the first God of War storyline hmm...)

Just pause the K4L player if you're in the mood for this song

Anywho, thanks for all who had given support. Thank you fellow brothers & sisters. And thanks to my macha Dhiren for this song dedication
because the next day it got stuck in my head haha (and please la macha, after this song don't play Benni Benassi Satisfaction, really potong steam siot. And you didn't have to put in my name in the dedication, double siot)

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