Thursday, June 18, 2009

Terminated No Salvation

My goodness our 3 days 4 nights planned reunion/fun/destress/nothing-to-lose outing was spoiled on the second night during the screening of Terminator Salvation at, where else Bintang. This was my second sitting, first being at Sibu (rewatch, that's how good the 4th Terminator was). Barely 10 minutes into the movie we were delighted by the black screen of death for the next 10 minutes... with sounds and all at the background
And the crowd went wild for the 10 minutes (surprisingly it was louder by those who have watched the movie). "Refund!", "HOOOOI!", "WTF?!" and middle fingers were ablazed. After the dude fixed the burnt light bulb the audience went quiet while tolerating the scratchy film quality and "OWHHH!!!!" and "HOIIII!" occasionally when the sounds went off now and then.

I have not shown a middle finger for so long, and yes those are not my middle finger. Both too feminine haha.

It was the swearing part that made the whole thing meaningful lololol. But the outing for the next day was not affected fortunately. HAVA NAGILA! HAIP!

Terminator Salvation experience at Bintang has been rated:
because watching Arnie making a cameo never gets old (SPOILER!)


アンジェリーン said...

so what the movie not good or it jst got low rate due to the cinema problem? cos me plan to watch it leh.... when i finish exam.... which AH!!! so envy everyone finish theirs!! but i do need that long duration time to study!!

Ham said...

the movie is A++ 5/5 stars. So good even the low quality cinema cant bring it down (well ,u hef to watch it first to ignore the cinema debuff)..

strongly recommended

Owh n jiayou jiayou for finals (^o^)/

アンジェリーン said...

there's too many gap between exam that i have currently entering holiday mode and switch back to exam mode when i feel that am in the pitch~