Friday, June 26, 2009

Terminator 4 & Transformers 2 Review

They're so bloody nice, I watched them twice

These are two big movies so I won't spoil it. You have to go to the nearest cinema and watch it on the big screen.

Terminator Salvation
We follow the chronicles of John Connor a few years after Judgment Day (Terminator 3) where he is leading a few bands of human resistance fighting to topple SkyNet (yea I know, sounds like the cyber cafe behind our old school Methodist, and also the courier service company). Expect awesome cinematography and introduction of new robots (spoiler: including a cameo of Arnie
). However the story plot may be crude and plain. There are only like, 3-4 things memorable throughout the movie. And sadly, the previous 3 movies revolve around real Terminator but Salvation may feel as if they are just feeding on the title's glories to make a movie not about about a real terminator. Hmm. But anywho the actions and the awesomeness of the CGI will blow you away.

because of weak storyline and abscence of the quote "I'll be back!" but Arnie and uber-action awesomeness saved the day.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
At first I thought the Fallen refers to the existance of a 3rd party besides Autobots & Decepticons, so this got me hyped up. Sadly my friends' remark regarding Megan Fox was a dude turned me off a LOT and killed the hype. But I was surprisingly entertained by the heavy 2 hour 1/2 storyline. The plot are fast and constant and there are always an Autobot or Decepticon or both every 10 minutes or so. The battles now are more logical (previously I complained how they fought at a ridicilously fast speed despite their mass) and Megan Fox still looks hawt despite the rumors of her used to be a dude named Mitchell Fox. Plus, there is a noticeable increase in 18SX toilet humor every now and then.

However the plot may be unfounded and getting more complexed ala LotR e.g. when you need to find this, you need that first then find this then can find that again. To the point you ask yourself "what's the point of finding it when later it's of insignificance value?". Also a few unneccessary side characters can be removed as they clog up the story.

because the movie made my mom to like Linkin Park and there are more Transformers as promised. Sadly there are too many Transformers to the point you don't recognize who is who, Wheelie humped Mikeala and the quest is silly.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hopefully ur transformers 2nd time is not as remembered as the terminator in miri...