Sunday, August 17, 2008

International Marketing: Starbucks

For the International Marketing 250 unit this semester, me and my mates decided to work on Starbucks for the cultural & social environment topic. The group, consisting of Austin (Myanmar), Aaron (Sabah) and Me (obviously, Sarawak) decided to take a later topics but alas lucky draw destined us to do the very first topic and we presented on Week 3 straight ahead.

Me and my mates looking busy preparing for our Starbucks debut on the next day

Being optimistic, we just "owh what the hell lets get this over with" and surprisingly the topic was relatively easy. Everone was busy with their own assisngments and personal life, so meeting up was kinda hard, but I'm okay with that. With 4 days of individual research contribution and only one meeting (before presentation day on 12th) we came out with a pretty impressive presentation, "Very professional" as quoted from our lecturer, Ms. Fidella.

After the presentation, posing with Mel's merchandise

So anywho, for those who is going to do Starbucks now or in the future, I have to say they are one of the most successful international coffee chain who understands the cultural and social environment overseas, thus boosting its expansion worldwide. However since it's growing too fast, things may not look nice financially and a few outlets have to be closed. Yay by yay, you guys can learn a bit from this American company who introduced coffee culture to the tea-drinking culture in the east. And thanks to Melissa, our lovely President, for the Starbucks merchandise :3


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